Dear Visitors

Dear visitors,

Welcome to my blog.
and welcome to leave any comments in this post.
Keep in touch ya,all my juniors and seniors.As well as my tutor and lec.



Individual Report

1. How is your understanding of the topic after doing the project? Understanding about interactive multimedia?

Websites has become very common among the society especially in the multimedia technology era. After doing this project, it has built my understanding not only regarding websites, also I could explore more and fully utilize the software such as Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash and so on. By using all these software, it helps to enhance most of the photos and graphics such as a photo after editing by using Photoshop, it will become more attractive no matter in its colour or designs. Besides, I also learn how to build an interesting and eye-catching website. To create an excellent website, not only need the knowledge of various computer software’s or IT, but also need other supporting factors. For example, content, layout, colours, spacing, timing and so on are all important aspects that have to be taken care of. Also, understanding the usage of the website is a must in creating a website. We have to know what is the purpose and target of the website in order to fit and reach the right target group of visitors. This also helps to decide the usage of previous aspects that I mentioned above.

Furthermore, this assignment has shown the importance and usefulness of interactive multimedia. Previously, I have experience in using a software to produce some artworks at a time. However, to complete the website of “Celebrating Malaysia's Cultural Heritage”, it trained me to combine and utilize each softwares that I have learned at a same time. It has become a very useful experience in doing so and this has shown the powerful of interactive multimedia. I have to admit that the advancement of technology has made our life easier especially in creating artwork and website. Therefore, no matter how many software we learn, it still depends ourselves on how to fully utilize the software by merging them and produce a great piece of work. I believe in the future, there is much more interactive multimedia that can be discovered and expand dramatically among IT industry.

2. What were the problems faced since Proposal 2? How did you/your team solve your group problems?

As “group assignment” means a work or project that need to be done in a team. Thus, the most important aspect is the team work among group members. Honestly, I do appreciate all the works that our group members done so far except Allan. We do really want to do a great work in a team, but Allan was not cooperating well in doing all the assignments. To avoid any misunderstanding among group members, as a team leader, I do give few chances to Allan and we do talk to him about this matter. However, he did not show any improvement of putting effort into the project. So, we just ignore him and excluded him from our team.

Moreover, time management is one of our difficulties as well. Each of us has lots of other proposal to be done, and we have different timetables to follow. Therefore, sometimes it is hard for us to gather all the members to discuss assignment together. To overcome this problem, usually we fully utilize the tutorial time to discuss and the final decisions is determine by the leader ---- me!

3. What would you do differently next time?

As a leader, I will manage the time properly other than utilizing the tutorial time, we should discuss more after class in order to produce a better quality work. This also helps all the members to know what others doing and the progressing of whole assignment.
Other than time management, observation and analysis of all members strength and weakness are important as well. Its will make my life more easier.

4. How is your motivation level?

As a team leader, I need to manage not only my part of work, also have to make sure the progression of the whole project. Thus, I do face a very pressure moment. However, I am getting mentally support and motivation from my family and friends. For instance, sometimes I will go to sports with my family members to relax myself. Besides, my friends are giving me advices and accompany me when I am depressed and run out of ideas. For sure, my “friends” are including my group mates. Sometimes they do give me the motivation to complete the work confidently and make me believe that as long as we work together, there is nothing we can’t solve ---impossible is nothing.

5. How was working with your group & group leader?

I have completed several project with my group mates. In my opinions, other than Allan, I feel very lucky to be in a group with them. They are responsible and willing to help each other when facing problems. My group mates also very cooperate where they respect my decision as a team leader. Thank you very much! And Bravo!Good Job and Well Done to all.

6. How was it working on the project?

Completing all of these project, it gives me lots of great experiences, memories and skills. I have learned a lot being as a team leader. I have to manage the problems of group member and ensure the progression of the project. Moreover, it is very happy and exciting to work together with my group mates. The process of preparing our project will be an unforgettable memory for me. At last, definitely it helps to enhance my software skills. Honestly, I am proud of myself, my group mates and our project, “Celebrating Malaysia's Cultural Heritage”.

7. Update on what you have been writing previously?

Well, there is not much to update due to what is decide is decided and what is done is done. Other than the homepage design, there is no others changes, everything was going very smoothly and accordingly to what had plan.

8. How were your teammates?

I would like that say that this team/group – Malaysian Mores are perfect, but in the fact, there’s nothing perfect. The only flaw in the Malaysian Mores was one of the group members (Allan) paid an extremely low contribution to this final assignment. Malaysian Mores culture was “work fun play hard”, so, I was very enjoyable all the time in the progress of doing this assignment.

Other than that, come to the very important point here – decision making and division of task. All of us are willing to take the task voluntary. The decision making process was extremely easy because all of us are flexible and hold an optimism thinking. Keep improving was one of our strength.

Again, Bravo and well done to everyone.

9. Personal evaluation of your own effort and that of your team?

As a team leader, surely I m handling more job task if compare with others. But, due to have a very flexible teammates, my job as a team leader can be handle easily. My job just hold an meeting, set the objective, vision and mission, lead them to the right direction and distribute of task. Other than this I m doing the same job as my teammates such as searching information, doing individual report, design my own part of the final assignment and so on.

As a team, we paid a very equal contribution toward this assignment. I grab this chance here to strongly emphasize that, every members do paid a very good effort in order to done this final project perfectly. For example, searching for the tutorial on how to do the flash, the flash effect and so on.

The Process...Final Assignment

Actually,its a very simply and easy things.But with condition to do that,first had to understand the concept and how it run.Clear mind thinking was extremly important during the process,once mistake,had to undo a lot and waste a lot of time to figure out where is the error.The difficult part was time line and layer,but once you understand it,it will be very easy to follow. The understand of the time line and layer is the most importance factor that influence the progress of our final assignment.

Ok,now without any grandmother fairytale anymore.Let's see how it work.

Actually the whole final assignment just mix up with some basic effect only.There is only 2 bacis effect use in the final assignment which is Fade in fade out and Motion effect.

Organization is key to anything in life. The more organized you are, the more likely life will be easier on you. The same holds true in Flash. If you have created a flash project with one or two layers then a layer folder is more than likely not needed. However, if you have 10,20, or even 50 layers, you definitely want to create some layer folders and keep your project organized.

Step 1

Open up your Adobe Flash and select one of your flash projects. If you do not have any flash projects currently, that is ok, open up a blank Flash Action Script 3.0 project and in the Layer time line window just add a few by right clicking Layer1 and selecting Insert Layer from the pop up menu.
Now,let's talk about the Layer 1st.

Step 2

The first thing we need to do is get to the menu where you can add layer folders. There are variety of ways you can get there, but I find using the right click pop up menu is the easiest. In your layers timelime box, right click the top layer to bring up the pop up menu.

Step 3

You will notice on the pop up menu many options to choose from, however we are only interested in inserting a folder into our layers timeline. So, from the pop up menu, select "Insert Folder" which is the option to accomplish this.

Step 4

Notice that your layer folder was created. To add your layers to the folder simple drag them to the folder and drop them in. If you are unfamiliar with dragging and dropping visit the "How to Drag and Drop" tutorial. You will now see the layers you added to the folder indented underneath that folder. That represents that those layers are in that folder. Also you will notice a filled in triangle/arrow next to the folder. Clicking that icon will collapse or expand the folder.

So,layer thingy done.Remember must name all the layer else later will mess you brain or head...make sure everything stay organize and same for the components in Library as well. Organize well can save a lot of time.

Now we move to Fade in fade out effect and see how it work.

Step 1
Open a new flash document.
Using the text tool (t) type your message on the stage. You can choose whatever font type or font size you wish.

Step 2
Convert your text message in to a symbol by pressing F8. Then give your symbol an appropriate name, check movie clip and click ok.

Step 3
On the timeline insert a new key frame at frame 20 and 40 by selecting F6 at each frame. This creates a short pause after the text fade effect. You can make this pause shorter by decreasing the number of frames after the second key frame.

Now create a motion tween in between the first and second key frame. On the timeline right click in between the first and second key frame and select “Create motion tween”.
tannaa....done...easy ..rite?
once learn...implement into the final assignment,that all.

once master this 2 skill..then mixed up with it and play around with it...control time line..

ok now,here a little bit guide on how to control time line.
Labels was one of the important things in flash as well.

the pic above showed the labels.Looked at the upper right red box which is the location that you put the label name on the frame.

Labels done

Now we persist to actionscript2.0.Only 2 type of actionscript for the whole assignment. Which is "stop" and "on release" function.

the "stop" function was easy.Make sure choose the correct time frame and layer.Press F9,then the actionscript windows will pop up.and press esc+st(shortcut key),the code will automatically inserted.

The use of "stop" function is to stop the frame which got this code else the flash will play till the last frame.

ok..we continue with the "on release" coding~
"on release" function is use in the button.

on (release) {

after click on the button which got this code,will go play on the frame that label with People and stop at frame 456. all the elements that use in our final assignment.
just mixed all.

Final Assignment - Finally Its Here



the Final Assignment its here...done..not perfectly..but at least done...

thanks for all members co-operate~
thanks for lecturer & tutor...and Joyce...

special thanks to Google search and YouTube ...

all done it in Flash, sorry,the flash file too big to able to post up some screen...

here the About Us page....

there is a Fade In Fade Out and pic transact effect when mouse over to the left panel~
and also same effect for the middle column menu...

so...see you guys this Thursday...during out presentation..
please wear half-normal (if possible,wear same as during the shooting section)

*Ms.Lydia and Kak Nor,hopefully u can come...but dont bring too of much hope...its not really so nice,worried will disappointed you..


About Us - Flash


Finally done the flash part for About Us...
everything is rushing..hope it can done very well..

*Jas please send me your work least the summary part of your topic..

Assignment 3


finally done my assignment 3..which is 15 seconds of intro personal website..
simple...but hopefully work...

concept came from dont know where...
simply mix all knowledge i got...

enjoy...and remember leave comments ya~

About Us - Malaysian Mores

After the shooting on 3rd April 2009,finally,the edited banner for About Us released.

Here the banner after editing.
Hope its simple and able meaning full.

Cheers group mate.


*will let u all copy the photo later on.So,be patient~

Assignment 2


Finally,come out with the Homepage~
hope not too bad~
Using White color background,hopefully its wont looked messy.

Please comments ya~

Final Project - Layout

Hey guys,

here the sample layout of our final project.
I failed to make the meeting decided design work,its not nice.
So here come the new design,this is only one of the sub topic which is Heritage.Hopefully will done all the topic design as soon as possible.

Homepage - Black Background

Website - topic layout,with color theme

Please leave some comments.Please...its very important for our mark.

*For each member,please prepare your power point presentation slide for each topic.Your topic and your job task.
**Please wear formal during the presentation,if possible wear white color


eWallpaper Conclude - 100%


finalize my eWallpaper assignment.

Here I listed all the link for the step-to-step how I done this wallpaper,make my blog end user life easier~

eWallpaper - Process 1
eWallpaper - Process 2
eWallpaper - Process 3
eWallpaper - Process 4
eWallpaper - Process 5
eWallpaper - Process 6
eWallpaper - Process 7
eWallpaper - Process 8

Enjoy ya~

eWallpaper Process (8)

Finally,its come to final part.
Adding the main content or information for end-user.

Add the FOM word,by using the Vertical Type Tool.
After type the word,go for Blending Option,Outer Glow,and select white as the glow color.
For the Fonts,make the "O" alphabet white color.

Add the "Faculty |" , "Of |" and "Management |" word.
Blending Option >Outer Glow>White color

Add the "pen Day".Make it white color and big,because its the main part of the eWallpaper.
then follow by adding the date - 21 March 2009.
After that using Brush Tool to add the Wing for the date so can drop end user attention.
Drop the Layer position for the Wing,so it wont overlap the FOM word.
Next,adding the course that offered by a bit,so it wont looked too bored.

Type all the offered course by FOM.Colourlize it,so looked difference.
Here using the Horizontal Type Tool,so need to do some rotation.
To do the rotation,go for Edit > Transform >Rotation > 90 degree CW

Ta da..
DONE the eWallpaper.

eWallpaper Process (7)

Here the step for adding the "Contact Us" information.

To make the Black background,use the Rectangle Tool to draw a box.
Right Click on the Layer,and select Blending Option.

From the Layer Style windows,decrease the percentage for Opacity,so the box will looked a bit transparent.Will make the content in the box more contrast and easy to read. 
Use the Horizontal Type Tool to type the "Contact Us" content.
Select the Fonts that is formal and easy reading.
Make it White color,which will be contrast with the background.

Use the Brush Tool to draw some curly pattern,so the Contact Us part wont too blank.
And hopefully will drop the end user attention.

The Contact Us part..DONE~

eWallpaper Process (6)

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

eWallpaper Process (5)

After adding the "Bridging Boundaries,Connecting Minds" words, now was the main part of the wallpaper.
Which is the newly built main building of Faculty of Management.
Open the FOM Building image file.

In the new image file,right click on the layer,Duplicate Layer...
so,can drag and drop the layer into the eWallpaper image.

Ok,Now using Move Tool,drag and drop the FOM building file into the eWallpaper image. 
The image seem too big in the eWallpaper image.To re-size it,go to the Edit,then Transform,follow by Scale.
Then the size of the FOM BUilding layer can be adjust freely.

 Now to remove the sky from the FOM Building image.
Using Magic Wand Tools,click on the sky.
Delete it.
The sky was deleted.Just like above screen shot.

Next was is the blur the under part of the image,so when put the "A TM university" banner,will look nicer and clearer.
First,using the Rectangular Marquee Tools or shortcut key M.Select the bottom area of the image.
Then follow by using Filter option to make the selection area blur.
Go to Filters, then Blur...,follow by Lens Blur.
New windows will pop up.

Just click OK at the upper left corner.
And you can adjust the settings as you like.

After that,adjust the building Brightness and Contrast,so the building will look more attractive.
To adjust the Brightness and Contrast,go to Image, then Adjustments,follow by Brightness/Contrast...
Brightness/Contrast will be pop-up.And you can adjust the brightness and contrast as you like.But of cause,make the color more comfortable and nice looking.

Ta da~Done.
The nice looking + attractive FOM building born in the wallpaper~

eWallpaper Process (4)

After adding the MMU logo.
Its time to add some words.
Now going to add MMU slogan "Briding Boundaries,Connecting Minds" below the MMU logo.

Using the Horizontal Type Tool,or short cut key T.
New layer will be created.
Type the sentence.
After that right click on the layer,Blending Option again.
But,this is using others option which is Drop Shadow option.
Tick the Drop Shadow at the left hand side of the Blending Option windows.
Use Multiple blend mode,and select Black as shadow color.

Can use the Move Tool to move the text as you like.

Ta da..done~

eWallpaper Process (3)

After created a background for the wallpaper,its time to add in some elements.But this is not the main one.
Now adding MMU logo.Which let end user realize that this is from MMU.
Here the step

First - open the MMU logo file.
And then using Move Tools,or short-cut key M,drag and drop the MMU logo into the background,new layer is created.

Using Move Tool as well,drag the MMU logo to the upper right corner.

Using Magic Wand tool, or shortcut key W.
Select the White Color background of MMU logo,n then Delete it.Dont forgot to delete the white background inside the "D", "A" and "R" words as well.

After deleted the white background,right click on the Layer,then select Blending Option.
In the Blending Option pop up windows,tick the Outer Glow.
Choose white as the outer glow color.
Turn the Opacity to 100%,so can see the glowing clearer.

Ta da...
the MMU logo is glowing at the upper left corner.
Done this part.

eWallpaper Process (2)

After created a new image,a BLANK white colour background.
Let's add something on it.the design for new background.
Which is blue,but not a blank blue,blank blue was too blur.
And the reason choose blue is because,blue represent MMU.

Ok,start with drawing a square choose the Retangle Tools,which short-cut key was U.

After that,want to do a gradient effect.
Go to Layer there,and then right click on it,Blending Option.
A window as shown below will pop up.Just follow the setting shown in pic below.

Step 3,adjust a capacity,so the box look a bit transparent.

then step 4,tick the box beside Gradient Overlay at the left hand tab.
then adjust the gradient angle.

Step 5
For the left side,same as using the gradient blending.
Use brush tools draw the Wing as well as the Flora image.
So the background wont looked so blank.

Step 6
Done the new background for my eWallpaper